After Service All- round Start up, Escorting for Engine Sales
With sales volume increase, after service become more important, after service department and Yuchai service center worked together and published Yuchai internet after service data, which provided eff
2017-06-26 52
Overseas Market Development Achieved Initial Success
Recently, Senior Management frequently visited Key customers from Europe and Turkey, based on the primary communication, they deepened topics and signed exclusive and commercial contract with customer
2017-06-26 56
New products from Raywin won the high attraction of customers from southwest China
Over 200 honored guests from distributors, OEM representatives, Manufacturers, End customers from Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou attended the promotion. Yuchai Secretary of the party committee an
2017-06-21 56
Year 2017 Chairman Board Conference was hold successfully
The 1st Chairman board conference was hold in Chongqing on April 26, made annual sales target during the conference, Chairman board asked combine 2 headquarters’ resources trying to make this indust
2017-05-17 50
Snow Removal Vehicle Project Successfully Accomplished
Golden March, Raywin received engine orders for snow removal vehicle nearly a hundred units, time is limit, design task is heavy. Company really focusing, launched snow removal vehicle project team, c
2017-05-17 51