Come up with the Library-Engineer Xu


Come up with the Library-Engineer Xu


Raywin was founded in the past few years, in the development of non-road diesel power, despite twists and turns, but has been moving forward. This is thanks to the hard-working efforts of the Raywin people. Their silent dedication of the figure as a unique landscape, can withstand the loneliness, only to keep the prosperity. Engineer Xu, the test manager, is the epitome of this landscape. In his mind, every part, every parameter, was the whole of his work.

Engineer Xu, joined Raywin in July 2015 as a test manager and is now a technical support staff, mainly for pre-sales work, production testing links, market support ingress, engine development, testing process and other aspects of the relevant diesel engine steam support. Because of the previous series of engine tests, the development of performance emissions, the electronic control calibration of diesel engine performance emissions and the electric control calibration work of the whole vehicle, the test work of diesel engines is familiar with the work, counted as half an expert. In the past 4 years, with the continuous development of Raywin, Engineer Xu diesel engine calibration skills in the original basis has been improved, performance emissions development technology has also reaped more growth.


Creating Product is a Process of Experience


"I'm not a robot, I am also tired. But I never think I'm worse than anyone, as long as I'm willing to find a way, there's nothing I can't do." Over the past four years, he and Raywin have gone through so many hard days and nights, completed too many memorable projects...

In early October 2018, a new customer proposed a turbocharged medium-cooled engine with the goal of obtaining an emission certificate and a prototype by early February 2019. Until then, Raywin did not have thr turbocharged medium-cooled series. It's a new opportunity and a try for the young Raywin, but it's also a challenge. If the customer's request cannot be completed, Raywin will not only lose this order, but will also be more likely to lose a new customer.

From zero and time is tight, Engineer Xu, who is responsible for the development of performance emissions for water cool turbocharged engines, can be expected to bear the pressure? From the design, the engine's fuel pump, injectors, Egr and the turbochargers have to be re-designed, each component has to have a lot of program design, and each program design must be consistent and predictable. From the sample supply, each component should be prepared a lot of samples, and to ensure that all the parts need to be accordance to the design requirements of production and processing! This requires technical docking with the technical engineers of each component supplier, communicating with them the performance parameters and performance requirements of each component, and ensuring that each component meets the required design performance.


Yes, an order, a product, a technical indicator, is involved in the work of every part, every technical detail. Technical work, there is no clever, only hard work. In the following month, Engineer Xu worked overtime every day to calculate and proofread the performance parameters of the components, and completed three major events simultaneously in a short period of time that the outside world could not imagine: First, the completion of the performance calculation of the oil pump and the requirements of the performance parameters, and the oil pump supplier technicians to determine the technical solutions of the oil pump The second is to complete the technical design of the injectors, and the third is to complete the technical design of the turbocharger. At the same time, the technical parameters and performance communication with the technical engineers of the suppliers of the three parts was completed, and the samples of the relevant technical solutions were provided as soon as possible.

In early December 2018, all technical solutions and components are in place.

Time is spelled out. 

In the week before the start of the experiment, the planned use of 10 days of laboratory time, due to the large amount of Yuchai tasks, the laboratory use time was reduced to 4 days. "When I was notified, the first reaction was that it was impossible to complete the experimental task we had planned for!"But the task is ahead of us, and it has to be done." After a cool thought, Engineer Xu decided to try to change the experimental design, during the day in the company, at night at home at both ends of continuous work. Streamline the experimental steps, eliminate some less important experimental programs, retain key parts, adjust the experimental steps, make the experimental results more effective and reflect the effect of the design. After several days of hard work, finally completed the new experimental design before the experiment began. "The beginning of the experiment is the real test,

Four-day time must take every minute to the extreme. "On the first day, the experiment went well and successfully completed the verification experiment of the oil pump, and the parameters of the oil pump reached the expected design goal.

On the second day, the selection experiment of the injector was carried out, the experimental results were ideal, the basic parameters were obtained, and the parameters of the injectors were also etermined.

But the test finally came on day three. "In conducting the emissions experiment, it was found that Egr's requirements for us required an increase in Egr's design requirements. By the time the scheme was found to be missing, it was noon on the third day. "Time doesn't wait. Engineer Xu temporarily adjusted the plan, but needed to process several parts. When told that the processing parts to the afternoon of the 4th day to get, in order not to waste time on the waiting, Engineer Xu took the drawings in Yulin ran several processing plants did not getthe expected effect, on the desperate time, he thought whether there would be other ways? After careful observation of the engine in the laboratory, Engineer Xu found that he could modify the existing samples by himself, and also achieve the desired goal. So, he immediately to the parts processing workshop to come to electric drills, clamps and other tools, hand-processing several temporary program parts samples. It wasn't until after 9 p.m. that night that Egr's experiment was finally possible. By the time Egr's four programs were finished, it was 12 p.m. After two hours of data analysis, he finally completed the parameter setting of Egr at 2 a.m., and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

After the third day of hard working, which comes a relatively smooth fourth day. On the 4th day of the experiment, the calibration experiment of performance emissions should be completed. At 12 noon, the performance calibration experiment required for power was completed, the emission calibration experiment was completed at 6 p.m., and the final simulated emission certification experiment was completed by 12 p.m. after two or three tests.


4-days’ time to complete the original 10 days of the task, overtime modification of the experimental program, hand-modified parts, complete data analysis, adhere to a number of experiments ... Engineer Xu, like an all-powerful superman, solves problems that seem impossible. By the virtue of his rigorous pursuit of technical work and his insistence on meeting customer needs.


In January this year, four ready prototypes have been put in place to begin a formal emissions certification experiment. Engineer Xu in more than a month many late at night rushed to the scene, tracking completed 1000 hours of reliability certification. In February, the product was approved by customers for its emission certificate. And Raywin engine also added the medium-cold turbocharged series of products, has made a new breakthrough.



In June, Raywin received the task of Haihua Container Co., Ltd. supporting the refrigeration unit diesel engine; Engineer Xu began a new journey...


Postscript: "For me, touching the machine in the lab and looking at the data is the most magical thing. Engineer Xu talks about work that is exciting and happy. He didn't think about it and didn't want to change positions. One meter wide and made ten thousand meters deep. Focus and become the field of outstanding technical experts, to provide customers with the satisfaction and beyond expectations of the product is Engineer Xu's lifelong dream. The pursuit of excellence, continuous progress is endless. The road is long and long, and I will go up and down and pursuit it.